
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2012's 50 Awards for 50 Movies: "Gave You the Biggest Action Boner"

Click here for the full list.

Cinema Beans: The Raid: Redemption

This film kicks ass in a lot of way, but mostly in the kicking of ass department. The Raid: Redemption is 1% narrative and 99% action, and it's not afraid to embrace the absurd level of fighting that comes along with raiding a building full of martial arts masters. The choreography is incredible, enough to recall John Woo's Hard Boiled. But whereas Woo is a master of ballet, director Gareth Evans is much more gritty and in-your-face in his approach. And it's fascinating to witness.

MMI: Chronicle

The end of Chronicle was the perfect example of escalation. Simple telekinesis evolves to some epic shit: flying, energy waves, car hurling, lance launching. All taking place in the downtown area of a city, in front of live TV cameras? Two friends, cousins no less, battling in front of the world. The one absolutely done with caring about people. The other’s heart breaking. I can’t think of a better final battle in a superhero movie? Can you? Maybe Avengers had better, definitely more grand, action. But did it have the same emotional punch? The Dark Knight has an emotional punch, but the final fight scores low on “cool factor” (unless you’ve never watched a good action movie). Maybe the only superhero movie that comes close is The Incredibles? Hell yeah, Chronicle.

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