
Monday, February 18, 2013

2012's 50 Awards for 50 Movies: "Biggest Eye-Rolling Moment"

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Cinema Beans: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm so sick of explaining why the twist in The Dark Knight Rises is so useless. It's a faux representation of humanity. It adds no weight to Bane. In fact, it renders him practically useless. It's the emptiest of all empty twists because while not only is it completely unnecessary, it reveals the hollowness of the film--shock factor is substituted for a moment that could have made Bane every bit as dynamic as The Joker. Fuck it, I'll let this guy take over.

The entire sequence between Peter getting shot in the leg and him fighting the Lizard atop the Oscorp Tower is one of the most ridiculous things ever. Okay. Spider-Man gets shot in the leg. I’ll not roll my eyes at the fact he has spider sense and has dodged every single other thing he could possibly dodge. Fine, he got shot. But then he can’t web swing? What kind of crock is that? He can’t web swing without running? Since when is that a rule? I’m pretty sure there are other ways to get momentum. Then how quickly do the crane operates get to their cranes? The right answer is “Way to quick to be believable”. But say every single crane operator lives a one minute walk from the crane he operates, how are all these cranes lined up from where Spidey is to where Oscorp is? Like that isn’t coincidental and cheesy enough. I rolled me eyes then. But the BIGGEST eye roll, was when the guy who was the dad of the kid Peter saved is a crane guy. GO FIGURE. Not only that, the guy saves Peter by catching him on a beam? ON A BEAM? And we get the absolute audience manipulation moment of Spider-Man missing his webbing and falling short of the beam and vanishing off the bottom of the frame. We’re to assume he’s plummeted to his death? But, wait, look... It turns out the one guy who most wants to thank Spider-Man is the one to not only operate the crane but CATCH Spider-Man with the beam? One of the stupidest moments I’ve ever seen in a movie. It nearly ruins the entire movie for me, that’s how bad I think it is. Thankfully, it doesn’t ruin the entire movie.

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