
Monday, February 18, 2013

2012's 50 Awards for 50 Movies: "Movie Daniel Day-Lewis Should Have Done Instead of Lincoln"

Click here for the full list.

Cinema Beans: The Expendables 2

Once Stallone has exhausted his use of aging action stars, which I assume will include Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, Vin Diesel, and probably the other Hemsworth brother, he’s gonna need some fresh blood for The Expandables 13. And who owns a more lethal combination of versatility and manly manliness than Daniel Day-fuckin’-Lewis? Imagine him right next to Stallone in that photo. DO IT. You know you agree with me. Do I smell a fifth Oscar? (He wins his fourth for dance battling aliens in Step Up 6: Intergalactic Boogaloo.)

MMI: Project X

Could you fucking imagine Daniel Day-Lewis turning up in Project X partying with Costa and crew? I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Especially if he played himself and kept using the various voices employed throughout his career. Him playing Never Have I Ever using the Daniel Plainview voice? I want this to happen so much.

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